
Bespoke solutions for your needs

MSP Ponferrada

The IMPULSO Architecture Department covers not only the conceptual phase of the project, but also its full development, always looking out for the optimal solution for our clients in terms of cost, image, term, quality and sustainability.  We develop creative, functional, sustainable and responsible architecture. Our team of architects has the continuous support of the engineering area, which results in an integration and a complete vision of the projects that allows them to be comprehensively developed without the interference of the more traditional, much more compartmentalized models. Creativity and technique are combined to provide optimized solutions for the needs of each client.

The company is a reference in the area of recovery, transformation and enhancement of existing unique buildings, contributing significantly to the conservation, recovery and enhancement of the industrial and cultural heritage of Spain and other countries.

Our work covers both the design of new buildings and the adaptation, refurbishment, improvement and recovery of existing buildings, applying innovative solutions based on principles of sustainability and energy-saving that provide value for obtaining specialized green seals such as LEED, BREAM or the Passivehaus standard.

Our focus on continuous research and the implementation of the latest design technologies and tools, such as BIM, Virtual Reality, 3D printing or working with drones, is part of our commitment to permanent improvement.



In our over 30 years of experience, our professionals have developed or collaborated in projects of different natures such as:

  • Cultural Centers and Museums.
  • Convention Centers.
  • Industrial buildings.
  • Corporate Headquarters.
  • Technology Centers.
  • Sports facilities.
  • Schools.
  • Hospitals and laboratories.
  • Cultural Heritage and Refurbishment.
  • Residential buildings.
  • Military barracks.
  • Prisons.
  • Master Plan.
  • Urban plans (partial plans, management plans…) and territorial ordinance.


  • + 100 technical projects carried out.
  • + 500,000 m2 built.
  • + 1,000 million of euros managed.
  • + 1,000 hectares developed.

Some of our works

technical or works supervisions

thousand square meters built

million euros managed

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