Code of ethics and social responsibility
IMPULSO and its subsidiaries have a Code of Ethics and Social Responsibility that guides their activities and behavior both inside and outside the organization, whatever the geographical area or place where said activities are developed.
IMPULSO not only requires its professionals to abide by this Code at all times, but will avoid establishing relations with any entity that is known to have incurred in a violation of the fundamental principles on which the Code is based and that govern ethical and socially responsible behavior.
IMPULSO provides all its stakeholders with an Ethical Mailbox ( as a communication channel through which they can send questions and doubts about our Code of Ethics, and directly report any alleged breach of the principles that define it. The confidentiality and ethical treatment of the information received is guaranteed and will be analyzed by the Impulso Social Responsibility Committee, which will evaluate and decide on the appropriate treatment according to the nature of the events reported. A responsible use of the Mailbox and the provision of sufficient and truthful indications and evidence if reporting alleged breaches is recommended.
We were pioneers in starting a daycare facility in the company’s premises for the employees’ children.
Equality and labor flexibility policies.
Management System
IMPULSO has its own Integral Management System, certified by ISO:
UNE-EN ISO 9001, Quality management system.
UNE 166.002, R&D&i management system.
Click here to Access our Complete management policy.
Institutional presence and relations with the community
Partners of: Asturian Association of family businesses – AEFAS -, Association of Industrial Archeology, Cultural and Natural Heritage – INCUNA – Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs – FADE -, Association for the Progress of the Dircectorate -APD-, HISPANIA NOSTRA, Research Association for Life and Property Security and Nacional Centre for Damage and Loss Prevention -CEPREVEN-.
IMPULSO is approved by the United Nations Procurement Division (UNPD) as a potential provider of technical assistance services in engineering, architecture and consulting for its more complex and extensive works – level 4 -.
IMPULSO is approved by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) as a potential provider of technical assistance services in engineering, architecture and consulting for its work on the development of the most disadvantaged peoples.
IMPULSO maintains agreements for the hiring of professionals with the University of Oviedo Foundation (FUO), the Integrated Vocational Training Center of Avilés and the Sculptor Juan de Villanueva secondary school of Pola de Siero.
IMPULSO collaborates with socio-cultural, artistic and humanitarian entities, the Doctors without Borders, Red Cross, Unicef, …
IMPULSO has been designated as an entity specialized in supporting companies for their participation in the European Union’s R&D Framework Program (Horizon 2020).
IMPULSO is part of the European Network of Experts in Technological Innovation, an initiative of InnoCámaras within the scope of the European CYBERINNOV program, whose objective is to bring technological innovation to small businesses as a means to achieve greater competitiveness.
IMPULSO is approved by REPRO, the energy sector prequalification system for high performance suppliers.