Re-modelling and Restoration of the Ponferrada MSP Power Station
Project Description
The proposal is notable for its plan to restore the four existing buildings and represents a serious reflection on the inspirational history of the Bierzo region in the context of national energy production.
The planned re-modelling of the coal loading bay as the main entrance building and the start of the exhibition, allows the visitor to grasp an overall understanding of the power station’s operation and acts as an interesting introduction to the world of coal-fired energy production. Coal combustion can be “actively” understood through the unique, architectural treatment planned for the Boiler and Turbine Rooms, where the main machinery becomes the subject of an unusual and attractive spatial reflection, unique in heritage-related restoration work to date.
- Drawing up the preliminary design project and the planning project to refurbish the buildings.
- Drawing up the planning project for landscaping and exterior work.
- Drawing up the planning project for restoring the machinery.
- Drawing up the museological and museographic planning project.
- Drawing up the basic feasibility study.
- Drawing up the basic market research study for the region.
Re-modelling and Restoration of the Ponferrada MSP Power Station
Fundación Ciudad de la Energía. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio y Ministerio de Medio Rural, Medio Ambiente y Medio Marino
Ponferrada, El Bierzo. León
Project end date
July 2009
Completion date
April 2011
Total built area
6.000 m2.