At Impulso we apply innovation for the continuous improvement of our internal production and management processes in order to increase the quality of our services, the satisfaction of our customers and the motivation of our professionals.
The exploration of the possibilities offered by virtual reality (VR) technologies for a better understanding of our projects based on more immersive experiences for our customers, as well as the integration of these technologies and those of three-dimensional scanners with the integrated production processes that BIM allows, is an important axis of our innovative activity.
The definition of sustainable solutions for buildings or infrastructures that work perfectly today and also have performance capacity in the future is another of our concerns. The reduction of energy consumption levels, emissions and investment and operation costs, as well as the extreme concern about the rigour in meeting the economic and temporal objectives of a project, have led us to develop a way of making our own that guarantees minimum deviations in both parameters.
The identification of processes whose energy consumption is optimised and the corresponding short-term economic return for our customers is another of our strengths where, combining the knowledge of our energy experts with the experience of our specialists in public financing processes, we implement practical and efficient solutions for our customers.
Also the application of drones for topographic surveys, land measurements or supervision of works is another line of exploration of innovative solutions that are both cost-efficient and time-efficient.
At Impulso we also develop internal R & D & I projects related to our areas of interest: Stirling engines for the use of residual heat from air conditioning equipment, recirculation technologies for aquaculture or systems for the suppression of inverted roof infiltrations are some of the examples of research projects in which we are immersed. Projects that contribute both to greater technical knowledge on the part of our professionals and to the creation of potential for our diversification.