Aug 2017
CEO of IMPULSO, new vice president of AEFAS.
CEO of IMPULSO, new vice president of AEFAS.
Association, formed by main asturian companies, has renewed Board of Directors
The general assembly of Aefas recently elected a new board of directors, now headed by the CEO of Ascensores Tresa as the Chairman and with Jorge Suárez, CEO of IMPULSO, as one of the two vice-chairpersons. The new Board of directors has set as challenges to continue the training activities of the association, to enhance the values of family business (rooting, business continuity, long-term vision, etc.), to create a business ecosystem in Asturias that encourages companies to use local enterprise as suppliers and promote the growth in size of the companies.
All those attending the conference highlighted size as one of the main weaknesses of Asturian family businesses. This is a common feature in Spain and one that the Family Business Institute (IEF) is analyzing. At the moment, it has completed a first study in which a diagnosis has been made, addressing the factors determining the size and making proposals to increase it.