
Phase I of the Development Project for the Logistic and Industrial Activity Area of Asturias

Project Description

This initiative’s main aim is to develop the most important logistics park in the northwest of the peninsula, positioning Asturias in a strategic situation in the Atlantic Arc. ZALIA with more than 4 million square metres is the largest industrial area in Asturias and the northwest of the peninsula, but over and above the size, it is important to note that its strength lies in having a fully intermodal and well-connected space. ZALIA is the result of a regional development model, in which all the pieces form part of a puzzle and add value by shaping the Asturias of the future.

The project addresses the development of approximately 40 Ha of land, located in a geographically strategic area of Asturias.

Its proximity to the port of Gijón and the main, high-capacity roads of the region, enhances the quality of the land adapted for industry.

Impulso’s technical team, part of a joint venture between two engineering companies from Asturias, won the competition to oversee the site management.


  • Site supervision
  • Health and Safety Coordination
  • Land distribution project
  • Specific project for water works and pipes

Phase I of the Development Project for the Logistic and Industrial Activity Area of Asturias

Logistic and Industrial Activity Area of Asturias S.A. (ZALIA)

Gijón. Asturias

Project end date

December 2008

Work end date
March 2012

Area covered by the project

400 Ha in total. 100 Ha in Phase I


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